Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend in OR

I've lost 8 pounds since January -- 1 pound a month! I still have about 15 more to lose, but it's a big start. 

I'm in PDX this weekend. Stayed with a friend yesterday through this morning, and off soon to a family birthday party. This weekend has inspired me to get excited about doing stuff again -- to be how I used to be before enslaving myself to school. Most of it was my fault in terms of not finishing 1-3 years ago, but I can't fix that now. I have a chance to finish it now and move on.

My supervisor said that I could take the equivalent of a sabbatical and come back to work when I finish in 3 months. He also said if I want to work for 8 hours a month over the next 3 months, they could cover my health insurance (which is $600/month if I quit) each month. He even said if I come back in December and after 4-6 months I decide its not right for me there, I could leave at that time. Wow. So I have to tell him tomorrow what I'm going to do. I'm considering that option because then I would be done with school and would have more time to look for jobs while I already have a job. And I would have a chance to save up money to hopefully take the month-long trip to Hawaii that I want to take next year. 

Right now, I'm trying to finish draft #2. I finished a rudimentary version and was going to send it to my advisor last Friday, but he said he was traveling so he asked if I could send him a pretty good draft by Tuesday. So I need to get it pretty good today and tomorrow. Time to do that!

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