October 17th, 4:00 pm
- Status: 15 out of 15 revisions complete.
I finished the revisions last Thursday and sent the draft to advisor with a list of changes that I'd made. He got back to me on Friday saying that he "okayed" the changes and just noticed a few typos and errors to fix. Once I fix the typos, I can send the draft for publication. He had also told me that he'll turn in my final paperwork saying that I passed, but then 30 minutes later he noticed that one of the committee members hadn't signed part of the form, so now he has to get his signature before turning it in. It has to go to the secretary and then to the college of graduate studies, so I'm nervous that it will get through all those hands in the course of a few days next week. It needs to be finished by the end of the week. The only thing I can do is harass all parties involved and make sure the paper gets turned in. I have scheduled times to send e-mails and call each of those people to make sure they are taking this seriously and working quickly. This is causing me some anxiety because I thought it had been signed by the committee already. I am glad that I had set an earlier deadline for myself to turn in this paperwork, because otherwise I would have been in a serious situation. Right now it's stressful but I do have some leeway because I had a goal of turning in the paperwork a week before the true deadline. It's a good thing I bumped my goal up.
For my actual draft, I just have a few minor corrections to make, and then I have to read through it a couple times for typos, confusing things, anything else I notice, put it into the proper format, and prepare it to be submitted for publication. I think I might be able to finish all this by the end of Monday, so I expect to submit the draft for publication by Tuesday. The draft is due in early November, so by submitting it early I'm hoping to have some leeway in case any issues come up.
I went down to Portland on Friday for a haircut and to bring dinner to my parents. My dad had surgery so I brought over dinner and some leftovers for them. Then I drove back home in some really dangerously dense fog. It was a horrible drive. I was driving 45 in the right lane (on a 70 mph freeway) through the wilderness (no streetlights or civilization) and no cars with me for the most part. It was really dangerous. One of my headlights is out so it was even worse. It was such dense fog that I couldn't even see in front of my headlight. I was literally watching the white dotted line line-by-line to see which direction the road was headed in. I probably shouldn't have been driving and should have waited until day.
I think I'm on the verge of sickness. I feel sick. I've had a migraine the last 2 days. I've been playing Skyrim and wish I could just play it all day and be done with this school. I am leaning more toward just staying home for the rest of October until my leave of absence at work ends. I think I may go somewhere for next weekend locally -- maybe to the coast or something -- but nothing else. I need to rest and I wish I had like another month off for recovery.
The weather has been absolutely gorgeous. Fall makes me feel sad and excited at the same time. It means the end is coming (winter), but also means that lots of activities are coming too. This year, it is reminding me of last fall when I was spending time with a certain person, so those memories are making me sad. I love the sunny, crisp days of fall and the colors. Here is a picture I snapped from my parents' street when I went to visit them on Friday--it was like a rainbow of colors when I drove down their street:
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