I'm sitting on the beach looking out at the sunny ocean. Okay, technically I'm not on the beach, but I'm about 5 feet away and 20 feet above the sand (in my room). I'm sitting on my deck writing my fiction novel. This morning I went on an hour-long jog South from the hotel to the end of this beach. Yesterday I went on an hour-long jog North from the hotel. I'll post pictures later when I get home. I saw mussels, crabs, jellyfish, seagulls, surfers, and huge trees on the beach (driftwood). This is an absolutely beautiful November trip. It has been sunny and warm...about 60 the whole weekend. The smell of bacon and coffee is wafting up from the restaurant below me. Some men are flying kites, children are building sandcastles with their parents, and of course you have the few older men with metal detectors. Someday I'll go ask them what they tend to find...I'm curious.
I would like to make a tradition with my future family to come back here every summer. I plan to go back to the beach about 2-3 more weekends before the year ends. Instead of having a vacation before heading back to work, the weekend vacations will be my "vacation". I want to start some family rituals once I get married. Summers at the coast and San Juan Islands, winter trip to Leavenworth, WA and Bend, OR, Puget Sound kayaking trips, winter vacation in a tropical location, and travel to other countries. R's family used to travel frequently and I always admired that. They used to go down to Guatemala and live for a month or two, or over to Asia. They travel more than anyone I've ever known. I always looked up to his dad -- a doctor who really enjoys his hobbies and does IMMENSE amounts of mountain climbing and traveling. I think he used to climb Mount Hood every weekend for a few years. I want to start some traditions and be able to look forward to doing the same things every year.
On the drive down here, I felt so happy to be "home" in Oregon. It was an intense drive because in order to get here you take a straight-shot through Astoria and through the complete wilderness. You basically drive through the forest for a big chunk of the drive. I used to be pretty experienced at this because it's a pretty similar environment to how I grew up driving, but for the last few years I have been living in very urbanized environments that are far from nature. Here, nature is surrounding me. I sometimes fear that the NW will become developed and lose its natural beauty. Like the former Oregon Governor McCall said, "Come visit, but don't stay." I sincerely hope that the NW can retain its beauty and not become much more developed than it is.
There is something spiritual to me about the ocean. I feel at home. I am at the end of the world right now -- the very left-most edge of the U.S. I love that feeling for some reason. When you stop to think about it, it's kind of amazing why people love the ocean so much. To Spock, it's just a bunch of water hitting the land. But there is something higher about the ocean. You don't really objectively think of the ocean that way. That is why I call the beach spiritual.
Moving forward
I came up with some ideas this weekend about where I want to go next in my life. I'm feeling pretty depressed because of all I went through, but I am on an upward slope. I have only had 10 days since I submitted my final dissertation, so I've barely had a chance to recover. That's why I want to come down here this weekend -- to take some time to recover and get back to myself. I've been dealing with some unfulfilling experiences in the last year and now many of them have been fixed in the past 2-3 weeks alone. I have left behind many of the things that were making me unhappy. One year ago I decided to embrace my feelings and take a leap of faith -- I moved back, found a job, and left a relationship behind. The difficulty about making big choices like that that is that even though you might like some aspects of something (i.e., a relationship, a job, a geographic location), you must follow your heart. Sometimes your heart is hard to hear over everything else. In October last year, I finally decided to take a leap of faith and believe what I thought my heart was telling me. That led to me finishing school, ending a relationship, moving across the country, and finding a brand new job. All of that! It has been a slow turn of the ship over the past year, mostly due to my dissertation being so painfully slow to finish.
However, I am rediscovering my world again. It has only been 2 weekends of "freedom" so far, but I have already figured out some of the directions I want to go in. I have a chance to have a fresh start in my life. I have time now to pursue the things I put on hold off and on for the last few years. I have a chance now to decide how I want to live my life and to start doing those things I love ALL the time now. It is really crazy...this concept of free time after work. I still don't quite know how to deal with it all because I've barely been keeping it together for the past few months, but I feel like I'm sensing a direction for my life.
- Go on lots of mini-vacations on the weekends.
- Plan big trips next year to Hawaii and Ireland/Scotland.
- Take banjo and piano lessons.
- Start preparing to buy a dog in a few months.
- Start deciding between Seattle and Portland in terms of where to buy a house.
- Write a fiction book.
- Run a lot. There is a project I have planned for the running aspect that I am actually planning on seeing if I can publish later -- so I'm not sure I want to talk about it here yet. It is akin to a travel guide you might read before hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, except that it's not for the PCT. It's for something else. I'm very excited about it. R helped me draw out some diagrams this weekend in his art program. It's going to be fantastic. I might actually turn it into a blog with visuals and photos, but if I do have the option of publishing it, I might do that so I'll have to hold off on talking about it on here until I decide.
Other careers
I feel like over the past year I've really thought hard about my career choice. I absolutely love the concepts of my field and the research, but the logistics of working in the field make it a little hard on me (due to a dearth of opportunities in areas I want to live). There are still workable jobs for me and once I get more experience I can apply to plenty of places like Nike, IBM, Columbia, Starbucks, Microsoft, Boeing, etc., but for the time being the less experienced jobs aren't plentiful in this neck of the woods. So, in the past year I have found myself wondering, what else would I be happy doing if I could? And I found that I had plenty of things I would love to do but have not pursued to-date:
Animal trainer. I loved working with my horse. I loved training my parents' dog. I've never had any formal training in animal science, I just really love working with animals. I see all these dogs out here at the beach and I can't help but smile. Every once in a while I'll smile at an extra cute kid, but animals are what I love. I have always watched a lot of animal documentaries. I would love to be a dog or horse trainer and have spent more time specializing in that field. I haven't had a dog yet because so far I've been focused on other aspects of my life (graduate school, traveling, moving just to have a job, etc.). But now I'm at the point where I want to settle down so that I can be around animals. I always fantasized about having a farm where I could have animals, which brings me to my second career...
Organic farmer. For the last 5-10 years I have often found myself wishing I could buy a farm and grow plants. I haven't put a lot of emphasis on this in my life so far, but only because I have moved around way too much. It's difficult to grow things in apartments, especially when you move every 6-12 months. I'm tired of moving and would love a house to have a big garden in. I would love to have horses, a goat, chickens, etc. I have talked myself out of the goats and chickens because I have so many other interests to balance -- particularly the fact that I want to go exploring and adventuring every weekend, which would make it hard to take care of chickens and goats. I plan to compromise on this desire to be an organic farmer and have a dog, possibly a horse, and a big garden for my own food.
Biologist or marine biologist. One of my favorite classes in college was Oceanography. I took it when I was attending school in Chile. My whole life I have found myself daydreaming about tracking animals or going out in the woods to learn about animals and follow them. One of my friends became a biologist who works with birds. All the time I see these pictures of her in the woods, tracking birds and just watching them. I would be content to do this all day. When I was a kid and my family spent 2 weeks every summer at the beach, I would spend a huge majority of my time just staring out at the distant ocean watching for whales. I would be happy to just study animals all the time. I've always loved it.
Travel writer. I feel like now that I actually have time to do stuff, I would like to devote myself to "adventuring" more again. I've had to put that on hold for the last half of a year as I focused on my dissertation. Now I'm back! I feel that I would have enjoyed being a travel guide if I had gone a different path in my career. If I had time to devote to that sort of thing, I would have focused more on my travel writing and designing adventures for people. I still may decide to follow that path for fun. Maybe start up a blog of my own and really focus on it. R could help me because he's really creative and knows a lot about design stuff and takes great photos (he was the photographer for our friend's wedding last month).
All in all, I find myself more inclined to have fun in life now that this weight is off my shoulders. I've had LOTS of fun so far, but I've just not been having fun for the past year as I tried to turn my ship of a life around. Now I find myself thinking on a daily basis about how I could have an alternative career that would let me live in a really cool house with a border collie, possibly a horse that I could ride on the beach like I used to, and travel adventures (including city adventures) all the time. I plan to achieve some of the goals I listed above by doing things just for fun. I might not want to become a marine biologist due to the schooling and logistics involved at this point, but perhaps I could buy a house on the water in Seattle and become a part of the killer whale watchers network. I will compromise so that I can do all of these things. I'll definitely do them anyway just for fun, but if I can, I would love to see if I can make a little money at it. Why not, right?