Sunday, May 5, 2013


I want this to be a place where I can post all the fun things I do...kind of like a travel and adventure journal. The last few months have been pretty calm and indoor-oriented because I have been working on a degree. But in the meantime, I have tried to get in little trips here and there and I want to focus on those. When I moved back to the West Coast from the East Coast in November, I spent a few days at my favorite beach because I missed it. Even though it was November, I still wanted to go there to reconnect with one of my favorite places in the world.

A while back I added up how much time I have spent at this beach over my whole life and I think it amounted to something like 6 months. Here is my experience at Cannon Beach, Oregon in November:

There was a big storm when I was there. Almost no one was out on the beach because the wind was so strong, ~40+ MPH. Even so, it was beautiful and I was still able to go running on the beach in the mornings before the storm picked up each day.

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